Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Charlotte 500, Lap 4: What a Drive In

I've been to Whataburger before - they're all over Texas - but I had never seen the old drive in style like the one in Mooresville. Since the official Whataburger website says they don't have any stores in North Carolina, there might be a good reason for that; I just don't know what it is.

Anyway, this particular Whataburger had the same good burgers I remember, maybe a litte greasier. Plus they had all the necessary artery-hardening sides, including hush puppies. Best of all, they had Sundrop, both regular and cherry lemon, on the soda fountain. If you're in Mooresville and you want a good fast food burger, while staying away from the usual suspects like McDonalds and Burger King, the Whataburger drive-in of Mooresville is a good choice.

And I even got my own personal table service from a gorgeous server.

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Blogger Roger said...

Let me make sure I have this correctly ... You went to a DRIVE-IN and ate inside? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

06 September, 2007 07:44  
Blogger craigt said...

For some reason, the drive in was closed that day. It was a beautiful day, so I don't know why it was closed. We still got to park in one of the drive-in spots, though.

06 September, 2007 22:25  

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