Not What I Expected to Hear

Turns out that along with some sinus issues I've got pneumonia. And I can only hope that if I ever have a more serious diagnosis, such as some life-threatening disease, that I'll have a doctor with a bit more tact. Although I did laugh. And laughter is, alegedly, the best medicine, so maybe the doctor was only trying to make me better.
Labels: Miscellaneous
that's funny! (the doctor, not the illness)
(did you see the seinfeld where elaine keeps trying to see her chart... b/c her doc wrote that she was a bad patient? i always sneak peeks at my chart to see if i'm bad. but after one baby, it said i was "very cooperative" i was so excited to be cooperative in labor :) , like, what other choice did i have?)
So they really do keep those charts?
I had a similar experience with a recent visit to the dermatologist. The physician assistant (not quite a dr but I expected more tact) gasped when examining my back for moles (not the vermin) of unusual shape, color or size (MUSCS - not to be confused with the RUS's from Princess Bride).
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