Monday, August 27, 2007

August Top Ten Part 2

Last week I reminisced about what I'll miss about Chicago, which got me thinking about what I won't miss. Here are the top ten things about Chicago I'll be happy not to see again if I can help it.

1. January

2. February

3. Traffic - There is a heavy rush hour here, but it is just that - an hour, not an all day event.

4. Crowds in every direction

5. March

6. Illinois government - not that NC is run by saints, but when it comes to corruption, Illinois is hard to beat.

7. Bears coverage - I love the Bears, but the TV coverage is just too much.

8. Gas prices

9. Property taxes

10. "Dollar" Bill Wurtz, owner of the Blackhawks - I never would have thought I could move to North Carolina, home of NASCAR and moonshining, and actually find myself closer to an NHL team with a legitimate shot at winning the Stanley Cup!



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