Friday, December 14, 2007

The Charlotte 500, Lap 15: Torrence's Tavern

Torrence's Tavern was, to be generous, an extremely small skirmish, accorded the briefest of mentions in most histories. Colonel Banister Tarleton's Redcoats, according to the historical marker, "routed" a small group of American militia during a campaign through the Carolina piedmont in 1781. You can read the history of the campaign here.

As for the site itself, the marker is all there is to it. In fact, if you get stopped at the red light, you don't even have to get out of your car to take in the entire site. The Torrence's Tavern historical marker is located along NC Highway 115 near Mount Mourne, a small town - village, really - in southern Iredell County. If you're really bored, you can learn more, but not much more, about the historical marker itself by clicking here.

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Blogger Roger said...

Routed them how? Does that mean they outdrank them at the tavern?

15 December, 2007 11:17  
Blogger craigt said...

Could be. I read something about the British having burned the tavern - maybe it was all a drunken accident.

15 December, 2007 13:21  

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